Training - Seminars in English & Spanish

If you are just getting started or if you have years of experience, training is a must to succeed!

Click Here to check out our SEMINAR section

At Clean Center we have been distinguished for more than 20 years by offering high quality training programs. More than 7 thousand technicians in Latin America have taken our seminars.

When being trained to do a carpet, upholstery and hard surfaces, there are several benefits for your company, such as:

+ Cleaning cost reduction per square foot.
+ More efficiency.
+ Better results, which is translated into Satisfied Customers.

We provide theoretical and practical bilingual training (English and Spanish). We care for our customers' success! Please check the the "Seminars" section on our website. We also offer personal training. Contact us today!

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Are You Starting Your Own Professional Stone Care or Carpet Cleaning Business? Let us know! We have something for you!